Swami Shriyukteswarji used to tell a story about a holy man with a lot of power. A devotee came to him and insisted that the holy man give him a mantra so he can change his fortune. The holy man said to the devotee, “Work, be satisfied with what you get, and don’t run after this occult power.” This man insisted. The holy man finally agreed and said, “Okay, I will give you a Mantra to practice. You will soon get a goblin that will do everything you want, but handle him carefully.” The holy man gave him the mantra and explained how to chant.
Loving and Divine Soul,
Let the choicest blessings of God and the masters be upon all of you. I take this opportunity to pray for you as we celebrate the 111th birth anniversary of our beloved Gurudev, Paramahamsa Baba Hariharanandaji. I pray to all the masters of our lineage to bless each one of us and the entire creation on this occasion.
Loving and Divine Soul,
Let the choicest blessings of God and the masters be upon all of you. I take this opportunity to pray for you. I seek the blessings of the Divine Mother through our earthly mothers on the occasion of Mother’s Day, which falls on May 13 this year.
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda (the current spiritual head of Kriya Yoga International) visited Australia and New Zealand in April-May 2018. He delivered free public talks in Sydney, Perth and Auckland. We are pleased to advise that his Auckland discourse organised by the Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand on 27 April 2018 is now available online. To view it on YouTube (1hr 26mins), click here.