Even This Shall Pass Away
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 each
Freedom From Anger
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD20.00 each
Freedom from Sorrow
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 eachIn this uplifting and insightful booklet, we learn that freedom from sorrow does not mean we will always be free from hardship and misfortune; it means that when unpleasant circumstances arrive, we can remain unshaken and free ourselves from sorrow’s icy grip. Through his deep understanding of the human condition, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda explains the actions that lead us to a state of sadness and depression. He teaches us the practical steps we can take to overcome negative thinking and reacting to difficult situations that confront us. In a world where many of us fall victim to the negativity and uncertainty that surrounds us, this small booklet holds the key to finding lasting happiness.

Freedom from the Judgmental Attitude
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 eachJudging others ruins relationships, distorts reality, causes unhappiness, destroys peace of mind, creates division, and prevents us from going further on the spiritual path. Unfortunately for most of us, judging others comes so naturally that we barely notice when judgments seep into our thoughts and words. It is a tendency that many on the spiritual journey long to overcome. Not judging others is a daily battle, and because we don't understand it or know how to stop it, it is a battle we most often lose.A judgmental attitude is a formidable foe, but in this insightful booklet, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda teaches us how to be victorious in our battle. We learn that only through inner awareness, compassion for others, sympathy, and understanding can we rise above this tendency. Then we can take a giant stride forward in experiencing divine love and unity.

Glimpses of a Divine Life
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 eachParamahamsa Prajnanananda invites us to glimpse the virtues that guided Shri Gurudev Paramahamsa Hariharananda to achieve the highest goal in life. It is an intimate reflection on the qualities that transformed Shri Gurudev from a disciple into a God-realised master.
This book challenges us as seekers to look deeply into the mirrors of our lives. We like to believe we are on the spiritual path, but are we truly striving for change? Shri Gurudev was a rare human being who transformed his beliefs into reality. His life bore the message that we can do the same by following in his footprints.

Guru Prasada: The Guru's Grace - CD/mp3
Swami Atmavidyananda
AUD10.00 eachThis is a wonderful collection of eight songs, in honor of Gurudev, sung by Swami Atmavidyananda Giri.
The songs include:
1. Namami Sadgurum Shantam - Salutations to Guru
2. Agocharam Priyam Vadam - I Bow to Gurudev
3. Paramahamsa Hariharananda - Prostrations to the Kriya Master
4. Hai Prarthana Gurudev SE - Let this World Be Like Heaven
5. Guruvara Tumhi Bata Do - O Gurudev at Whose Feet Should I Take Refuge?
6. Jay Sadguru Devan Devavaram - Glory to Gurudev
7. Shri Gurumurti Chidananda Jyoti - Guru is Pure Consciousness
8. Arati Shri Sadguru Charanan Ki - Vesper to Gurudev
Music Composed by - Gregory Khabner
Sound and Production - Silas Mera
To purchase and download mp3 files
Please click on the Buy Now button below. You will be taken to PayPal where you can pay via PayPal or credit card (without a PayPal account). Please contact us at webmaster@kriya.org.au if you have any problems.

I Will Collect Flowers for Thee
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD25.00 eachTry to imagine a world without flowers. What would it be like? How would you describe a flower? Poets have compared them to clusters of stars or the secret abode of forest fairies. Some insightful beings have compared them to the soul. Flowers have a special message for seekers on the spiritual path. Flowers show us that the spiritual path need not be complicated. There is no need to follow complex doctrines or subject oneself to difficult or harsh penance. One simply needs to emulate a flower’s purity, beauty, and selflessness.
In I Will Collect Flowers For Thee Paramahamsa Prajnanananda presents original and thought-provoking insight about how our lives are like gardens, and our minds are like gardeners. As this marvellous book nourishes you, it will also challenge you to consider the role you play in the wanton destruction of the natural world. You cannot read this book without feeling a greater love and respect for Mother Earth. Paramahamsaji’s complete oneness with nature will speak to you on many levels. May every new revelation take seed in your heart and mind, blossom into a magnificent flower, and bring beauty and inspiration to all God’s creation.

In the Company of My Master - Volume 1
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD25.00 each
In the Company of My Master - Volume 2
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD35.00 eachOur parents teach us about the world, but a spiritual master teaches us about what lies beyond it. A master teaches us how to conquer the world by conquering ourselves. When a student is receptive and follow’s the master’s guidance, advancement on the spiritual path is assured. When the teachings take root in the heart and mind, they flourish and grow when faithfully practiced with discipline and love. Through his unflinching spirit, dedication, selfless love, and devotion, Prajnananandaji was perfectly attuned to his master and ultimately achieved the pinnacle of Self-realisation.
This second volume of In the Company of My Master contains Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji’s notes and recollections as a young disciple of his beloved Gurudev. Prajnananandaji shares some of his most treasured memories, revealing the master’s words and actions that laid the foundation and provided the necessary thrust for him to achieve the ultimate goal of life. It is an indispensable source of inspiration for every seeker. As we read this book, we will realise that when we follow the master’s teachings with implicit faith and love, everything is possible.

In the Company of My Master - Volume 3
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD30.00 eachGreat beings have great goals. Spiritual greatness is achieved by those who have the noblest and highest goal of all. But the goal is not enough. One must also possess the determination, discipline, and love to pursue it wholeheartedly.
At an age when most young men are chasing dreams of financial success and relationships, Triloki Dash (later known as Paramahamsa Prajnanananda) focused on only one thing: attaining the summit of spiritual realization. His intense longing eventually led him to the ashram of Paramahamsa Hariharananda, one of the greatest realized masters in modern history. Among spiritual giants Paramahamsa Hariharananda was extraordinary. His teachings were simple, his depth unfathomable. His words and actions had a weighty purpose; they were all hints to help his students unravel the mystery of life. His life was a living scripture. Ultimately, his most remarkable quality was the unconditional love that flowed like a mighty river from his heart. It charged the atmosphere and transformed the lives of countless spiritual seekers.
This marvelous book is the third volume in a series written from Paramahamsa Prajnanananda’s notes during his discipleship at the feet of his beloved Paramahamsa Hariharananda. It is an invaluable tool for every seeker of Truth. The deeply personal narrative provides an intimate glimpse into the mind and heart of an exceptional student as well as into the teachings that helped him attain spiritual realization. We are also allowed to witness the eternal bond of love between a realized master and his devoted student.

In The Temple of Silence
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD20.00 eachSilence isn’t just golden; it is divine. Silence is inherently sacred. It is multidimensional, vast, and eternal. Unfortunately, in our social media-driven lives most of us know little about it. In the outer world, silence can lead us to better communication skills and stronger relationships. In the inner world, it can lead us to communion with God. There is no greater teacher than silence. In the holy classroom of silence, all of life’s secrets are revealed.
In this amazing, one-of-a-kind book Paramahamsa Prajnanananda teaches us the importance and impact of practicing silence. Few of us realize the value of silence, how it can lead to self-mastery, and how it can accelerate spiritual growth. Practicing silence is not escapism; it connects us to life at its deepest level. When we enter the temple of silence, we are not escaping from life; instead, we are learning how to live to the fullest.

Keep Smiling
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 eachThere is an easy way to make the world a better place. Keep smiling! A smile is the quickest way to make the world more beautiful, the quickest way to make a difference in someone’s life. Just as the sun warms and nourishes the earth, a friendly smile warms and feeds the hearts of others. When we smile, we express our inner sunshine, our true nature, our soul.
As a result of modern innovations the world seems smaller; unfortunately, for many of us, the distance between our hearts has grown. This timely and uplifting booklet discusses the powerful, healing effects a smile brings to us and others. Hidden within a simple smile is the spirit of oneness and true harmony.

My Gurus - Teachings of the Avadhuta
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachAges ago in ancient India a great king sat at the feet of Avadhuta, a naked sage, and asked that very question. He sensed that the incomparable sage had found the secret to attaining the happiness that he so desperately sought. “How did you achieve your knowledge? Who is your guru?” asked the eager king. When Avadhuta answered, the soul of the story began.
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda lovingly narrates the simple yet thought-provoking tale of Avadhuta and his twenty-four gurus. This tale helps us discover that the secret to true happiness is linked to our perception of the world. When viewed through the eyes of innocence and wonder, the entire world can become a magical classroom, abounding with teachers at every turn.

My Relationship with God - Queen Gandhari's Prayer from the Heart
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
FreeMany of us consider our relationship with God separate from everyday life. Queen Gandhari, the wife of the blind King Dhritarashtra, had a different view. She did not limit her relationship with God; she expanded it. She discovered that God is the essence of every relationship in life.
This insightful book explores our most valuable relationship - our eternal relationship with the Divine. This commentary on the beautiful and heartfelt prayer of Queen Gandhari (found in the Prapanna Gita) awakens us to the significance of expanding our concept of God. The divine relationship is not only uplifting and fulfilling; it is also enlightening.

My Time with the Master - 2nd Edition
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD25.00 eachThe new expanded edition of this much-loved book offers stories and insights not previously included.
“What is started by me has to be completed by him.” These words were used by Paramahamsa Hariharananda regarding his young disciple, long before he made him a monk, years before he was designated as his chosen spiritual successor.
Many years ago a young spiritual aspirant known as Triloki Dash began an apprenticeship with Paramahamsa Hariharananda, the eminent Kriya Yoga master. These two exceptional beings gave their utmost to each other; ultimately, they would both guide others along the path of realisation. This book is filled with Paramahamsa Prajnanananda’s private memories of his life under the guidance of his beloved Gurudev. He shares with us the world of his early youth and training. We glimpse his journey as a seeker. We hear the stories about his life-changing transformation. We enjoy a rare, candid view into the life of a disciple who achieved spiritual realisation by obediently following his teacher’s footsteps.
The best way to master a skill is to learn from one who has already mastered it. Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji was the exceptional apprentice who became a master and his master’s successor.

Practicing Patience - Book 6, The Art of Living and Giving Series
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD3.00 eachParamahamsa Prajnananandaji's booklet, Practicing Patience, provides a timely and proven remedy for a world suffering from the stress of unimaginable difficulties and problems. It is thought-provoking and healing. By practicing the art of patience, we can overcome difficulties, and we can create an environment that encourages others to do the same. Why practice patience? Simply put, the world we live in is rued by the principle of time; time moves at its own pace, not ours. From birth until death we need to master patience in order to overcome life's obstacles, grow spiritually, and surrender to God's perfect timing.

Self-Inquiry: The Nirvana Shatkam of Acharya Shankara
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD25.00 eachSince birth, the world has been telling us who we are – male, female, rich, poor, happy, sad, introvert, extrovert, intelligent, foolish – countless labels are attached to us. Have you ever wondered who we would be without all those labels: if we had no likes or dislikes, no desires or attachments, no selfishness or suffering, no thoughts or memories?
The incomparable master Acharya Shankara provides the answer in his immortal hymn the “Nirvana Shatkam.” It is a powerful spiritual technique that can lead to enlightenment and liberation. By employing an ancient, systematic approach known as neti neti (not this, not this), Acharya Shankara teaches us how to peel away the layers of false identification that cover the truth of who we are.
Self-Inquiry: the Nirvana Shatkam of Acharya Shankara is an illuminating commentary on the “Nirvana Shatkam.” Paramahamsa Prajnanananda is an experienced guide on the probing journey to self-discovery. His insightful commentary on Acharya Shankara’s timeless masterpiece takes us beyond our cloudy, mundane perceptions, allowing us to see ourselves through the eyes of the Soul.

Shri Gurutantra
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachThe Gurutantra is an ancient text that has for the most part remained unknown throughout the ages, even in India. Millennia ago its lofty verses were memorised and chanted; later they were recorded in written form. The Gurutantra is a rare handbook for those on the spiritual path. It offers deep insight and practical guidance with regard to loving and serving the guru in order to achieve spiritual success. No doubt, especially in modern times, the guru’s role is clouded by misunderstanding and confusion; many people fall prey to adoring the guru’s human form rather than following his or her teachings.
Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji, realising the need for making this text available, carefully translated it from its original Sanskrit into English. Undoubtedly his profound love and gratitude toward his own guru–preceptor, Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji, inspired this important work. The guru plays an indispensable role in the lives of students, but this text reminds us that we must first understand our role in this relationship if we want to be successful.

Teachings for Transformation from the Bhagavad Gita
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD25.00 eachThe spiritual journey is more than the time we spend in daily meditation; we must make an effort to transform ourselves every day. As children of the Divine, our lives on earth were not meant to be static; they should be dynamic and purposeful.
In this marvellous guidebook, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda beautifully discusses the spiritual practices Lord Krishna outlines in the Bhagavad Gita. Paramahamsaji explains them in a way that can help us calmly face the challenges of modern life with clarity.
Filled with encouraging insights and practical wisdom, this book analyses topics such as the absence of pride and stubbornness, living with nonviolence and compassion, developing purity and deep devotion, practicing equanimity, love for seclusion, nonattachment, living in constant Self-knowledge, and many more.
If we wish to become who we really are, we must practice these twenty tips and develop spiritual qualities daily. We must become useful instruments in the hands of God. We must learn to perceive God in all and all in God.

The Bhikshu Gita: The Song of the Wandering Monk
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD20.00 eachWhere do you store your treasure, in heaven or on earth? Is your well-being and happiness based on God and Truth, or on money and possessions? The desire for wealth takes root at an early age; in no time an intense longing becomes our foremost aspiration. Our families, our friends, and our divine duty to those in need take a back seat to our insatiable greed. Greed has a corrosive quality that erodes our inner beauty, corrupts our moral fiber, and destroys our relationships.
It may seem that greed is a modern disease. While greediness is undeniably more prevalent and destructive today, this invasive weed has been with us for ages. The ancient Bhikshu Gita scripture from India tells a timeless story about a mean-spirited miser’s unquenchable thirst for money that ultimately leaves him destitute and alone. Thankfully, this story has a happy ending. Through his agony and deep reflection an inner light emerges that reveals his past mistakes and transforms him. The Bhikshu Gita masterfully teaches the simple lesson we are here to learn: The only treasure worth seeking is the eternal treasure.
The Bhikshu Gita: The Song of the Wandering Monk, is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and his beloved friend Uddhava. Paramahamsa Prajnanananda shares a delightful yet insightful commentary. His penetrating translation and teachings illuminate the wisdom of the Lord’s last message for humanity about living with detachment, forsaking emotional reactions, and completely loving God.

The Essence of the Gita
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD15.00 eachAs with many of the world’s most significant scriptures, the Bhagavad Gita’s rich metaphorical gems have been misconstrued by the masses. The Bhagavad Gita stands alone in describing the human predicament — our erroneous identification with our bodies and minds that prevents us from recognizing our divine heritage. It teaches us the way out of this mortal dilemma, and it details the paths that lead to freedom and immortality. However, when reading the Gita, one can easily overlook the profound spiritual truths that are subtly cloaked in the retelling of the Mahabharata battle.
Swami Shriyukteshwarji loved the Bhagavad Gita and held its lofty teachings in the highest esteem. He also understood that to mine its underlying message, it must be read with two sets of eyes: the physical eyes and the eyes of the soul. Disheartened by the many commentaries on the Gita that barely skimmed its surface, Shriyukteshwarji felt compelled to write a book that would help seekers access its infinite depth. The original version of his book, the Gitar Tattva, was written in Bengali. Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji cherished it for years and was inspired to translate it into English so seekers around the world could benefit from its teachings. The Essence of the Gita will gently lift your mind from the mundane world to soar in the heights of the inner divine realms.

The Lord's Prayer
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD20.00 each
The Path of Self Knowledge - The Atma Bodha of Acharya Shankara Explained
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD30.00 eachMany of us are fascinated with Self-realization, but few of us work to achieve it. Most of us have no idea what it takes to reach the goal. Nothing is more rewarding than success on the spiritual path, but we approach this path blindly, unprepared for its challenges. The fundamental goal of spiritual practice is to destroy the darkness of ignorance that obscures reality and our true identity. Only one thing can eliminate the darkness: the inner light of knowledge that reveals the truth.
Acharya Shankara, the author of the Atma Bodha and many other treasured spiritual texts, dedicated his short but extraordinary life to helping humankind reach Self-realization. The Atma Bodha is a step-by-step guide that teaches seekers how to walk the path of knowledge and avoid the journey's countless pitfalls.

The Significance of Hindu Worship
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD20.00 eachThe roots of Hinduism are venerable, ancient, and enduring. Even though it is the world’s oldest religion, it is still one of the largest. This is an irrefutable testament to the eternal Truth it represents. Nevertheless, throughout history the ritualistic practices and deity worship of the Hindu religion have been widely misunderstood by non-Hindus as well as its own worshippers. For the most part, the hidden meaning behind the practices has been forgotten; their true intent remains a mystery. Unfortunately, when the worship of any religion lacks insight and understanding, when it becomes mechanical rather than purposeful, its power to help seekers transcend the mundane is diminished. Religious practices are more effective when devotees acquire the ability to penetrate the surface.
The Significance of Hindu Worship, written by the eminent Kriya Yoga Master Paramahamsa Hariharananda, is a fascinating exploration of the inner meaning of some of Hinduism’s most significant rituals and practices. This easily understood, enlightening book eliminates many misconceptions regarding the different aspects of Hindu worship, revealing its true, hidden beauty. Through his profound wisdom, Paramahamsaji illuminates the remarkable essence of Hindu worship and sets every reader on a path to greater understanding and respect for one of the world’s most important religions.

Understanding Ego
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
AUD20.00 each